So, I know one of the big things that drives people to a blog is content which means that to start this sucker off I am going to see if I can blog every day for at least the first week. This will include a lot of different subjects but hopefully things that will catch everyone's interest and show some of my skills (if the blessed internet actually thinks I have any).
This post will be about my thoughts on Horus Heresy Armies. I bought quite a few bits of gorgeous Forgeworld Horus Heresy models and now need to figure out how to paint them. So, lets go through the armies I really like and what they have going for them including any specialist units and paint schemes.
Iron Warriors (Pre-Heresy)
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I have loved Iron Warriors almost since I first got into the game. I have loved their gritty style, the fact that the chaos version doesn't deal with mutations or a particular Chaos God, and the fact they are siege specialists. I have always thought Iron Warriors are really cool and the Angelus Exterminatus only helped flesh out their awesomeness in addition to the Ultramarines series. I can't wait until Forgeworld comes out with Perturabo I think it is going to be a really amazing model. Also, the special rules for the Iron Warriors terminators and havocs are awesome and I think the models will look really good. Another great thing is that the tactics of the Iron Warriors are straight forward. Bring lots of big guns, blow the crap out of you, and then charge right at you. A very different set of tactics then the Eldar I'm used to playing.
Doesn't this guy look awesome? Bad A! |
So what are the downsides of the Iron Warriors? There are really only two reasons. First, the color scheme is really simple which means I could paint it fast but it is also really simple. The airbrush would help with the chevrons, and overall it would be dark which isn't exactly what I wanted with the airbrush and Forgeworld stuff. Second, while I love most of their background the fact that they don't care about the lives of their Battle-Brothers bugs me. It's weird but fluff is very important to me so I'm a little reticent to embrace the background here. I like the brotherhood of the Space Marines, and superior tactics, not just throwing bodies at a wall until it falls.
Alpha Legion (Pre/Post Heresy)
Alpha Legion are really cool. They are rumored to be one of the largest chapters (along with the Iron Warriors and Ultramarines) and focus on subtlety and misdirection. Their color scheme is pretty much anything you want varying between metallics, blues, greens, etc. The guy to the left is awesome, he looks brutal and the silver Hydra is really cool. Some of my favorite conversions online are of true-scale alpha legion and I could use the Legion of the Damned rules along with the Militarium Tempestus to create a really cool and "flufftastic" army. Not only that, but unlike the Iron Warriors their colors can be bright and make good use of the airbrush. Their marks of armor are mostly the newer, more sleek versions, and their fluff shows that they made the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity (although I think the Heresy novels will show that they were really duped by a bunch of aliens). Also, twin primarchs!? I know there aren't rules in the new Heresy Book from Forgeworld but the models would be sweet.

So what's wrong with the Alpha Legion? Well, their fluff is cool but until really recently when awesome pictures like this one from Dave Taylor's
Blog showed up and I thought about how I could do that with an airbrush. They are pretty sweet because they are bright, beautiful, and a good mix of colors. Another great example (although a little too bright for me) is
Marc Raley's Alpha Legion. I like these bright schemes but am still out on the weathering and pigments. I'm just starting to figure out the use of the airbrush and adding battle damage seems like a technique to learn another day. Finally, I don't really want to pick a legion just because I think they're pretty you know? But that hydra, such a sweet legion symbol!
Imperial Fists
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A lot of reasons for me liking the Iron Warriors apply to my like of the Imperial Fists as well. They are freakin' hard core and built the Imperial Palace to hold of the forces of Horus and protect the Emperor. They are forward, hard, and Sigismund was the best fighter of any Space Marine in any legion. Whereas the Iron Warriors threw their men at fortresses willy-nilly, the Imperial Fists were more tactical and cared about the Battle Brothers. After the rest of the post, I'm sure you can understand that the bright yellow color scheme is well to my liking because of it's brightness and difficulty. Also, there is a ton of fists stuff scattered throughout the 40k and 30k universes. I also really like the rules for their special units especially the special Breacher Squads which are some of my favorite models in the whole HH line.
What are the cons? Honestly their aren't a ton. I don't like Rogal Dorn as much as either Alpharius/Omegon or Perturabo but being the second best is pretty awesome. Everything else is pretty awesome, except I am having a lot of trouble with painting yellow through the airbrush. I know this was a plus, but it's also a con because it really is difficult. However, if I can pull it off I know it would be awesome.
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Other Sweet Chapters I've Thought About
Sons of Horus - Cons, I hate Horus. Pros- Loken is awesome and so are their tactics, fluff, and color scheme.
Thousand Sons - The most tragic story of the whole Horus Heresy and Magnus is a pretty sweet. I love their aesthetics, fluff, tactics, pretty much everything except the Dark red and bone. Also, their special units and models haven't been released.
Salamanders - Along with the Imperial Fists these have been a favorite for a while (my original DIY chapter was a successor chapter using both sets of geneseed). I love their primarch, he's immortal and a freakin beast! Their models coming out of Forgeworld are awesome, their tactics and fluff are fun, and their color scheme would be cool and easy to paint.
What Have I Decided?
Well, this may seem like a loser move but I think my answer is all of them! No one around here plays 30k so it's not like I need a uniform army. I don't really want to be another marine player in the area so I want to play them as 30k where you don't have a choice. Plus, there are such sweet models coming out of Forgeworld that painting them multiple different paint schemes just seems like the right thing to do. So, now I just have to figure out ways to paint them all and we'll be on our way right? Hopefully I'll have some updates soon!