Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Alpha Legion Assault Squad Pt 1

So, I've been once again working on the hobby side and getting some models together for my extremely small Alpha Legion Detachment.  I came up with a new way to store my models that aren't quite assembled or ready for airbrushing.  You can see in the picture below that I am using a large piece of styrofoam to hold the assembled models until they are moved up in the paint cue.  I like this because it allows me to assemble a bunch of models but make sure they are held in one place until I start painting with them.

Another benefit you can see from using this styrofoam block is that models can be placed on the side or ends and make a lot more room for all.

In the next two photos you can see that I had to white tack a couple of the arms and hands in place because my glue wasn't holding and honestly sucked.  It made my life difficult and made me wonder if I was just really bad at putting resin together or if my glue was super old.

Here, you can see that I went out and bought some new glue and guess what, I immediately got hobby hand and glued my fingers to a model!  Well, I honestly have to say that I'd rather have glue that's too strong than not strong enough so this is a welcome change from the crap I was using before.

I'm actually a little behind on the updates for these guys since I have started the undercoating but it isn't quite working as well as I would have hoped.  I'll have a post up soon about the issue I'm running into and what I hope can fix it (hint hint it is a bath in chemicals).  Until next time!

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