Friday, July 11, 2014

Alpha Legion Recon Squad Pt. 1

This is the scheme I have settled on for my Alpha Legion models.  I am still wondering if orange might be a nice spot color but I really enjoy painting green and have it as a consistent color throughout many of my armies which means that this would tie them together in a subtle way.  Do you like the green or do you think orange would be better?

I decided to move along with the Alpha Legion Recon Squad and lay down some basic colors on the model bodies, cloaks, and heads.  The bodies followed the typical recipe I have developed using the airbrush and two glazes of Gulliman Blue over silver washed with Badab Black.  I sprayed one layer of on the cloaks and painted the rest on with a brush.  On the helmets I tried to do a metallic blue instead of the recipe above but it didn't come out looking very good with the white so I'm probably going to repaint it to make it consistent.  

As you can also see from the photos I am experimenting with battle damage using a mixture of drybrushing and spot application of the old Chainmail GW paint.  I must say that I like the look but don't know if I'll continue it on the other models in the army.  We'll see.  I like that the drybrush sort of eliminates the need for line highlights (making this painting much quicker) but it's hard for me to make them look all beat up.  We'll see I suppose.

As you can see, I think I've made some good progress and the squad is looking good.  Next I'm going to see if I can add some definition to the cloaks using the airbrush.  I have a sneaking suspicion that it isn't going to work very well but we'll see.

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