Thursday, July 17, 2014

Alpha Legion Recon Squad Pt 2

Apparently, I am not very good at preshading.  I spent about three hours going over these cloaks with a wash, dark brown in the recesses, and white on the raised areas.  I then went back over the cloak with the original color but unfortunately this destroyed most of the previous work.  There is a little bit of additional definition to the cloaks but not as much as I would like after the amount of time I put into them.  You live you learn right?  If I add an additional five members to the squad later I'll see if I can come up with a better system for the pre-shading.
As you can see from these two photos there is a little bit more definition, which I think is nice, but I think there also might need to be some additional covers on the cloaks since they are supposed to be camouflage.  What do you think?  Should I make them actually look like camouflage?

Below you can see that I repainted the helmets and they look a lot better.  One thing I have learned from the many test models I have done is that you should always try to redo exactly how you painted it before.  I like the color on the helmets below a lot and think they'll look good on many models and also with the white painted on them.  That will have to wait until the next post!

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